What is FreedomFest?

FreedomFest is an annual festival where free minds meet to celebrate “great books, great ideas, and great thinkers” in an open-minded environment.

It is independent, non-partisan, and not affiliated with any organization or think tank. FreedomFest invites the best and the brightest thought influencers from around the world to talk, strategize, socialize, and celebrate liberty. FreedomFest is open to all and is purely egalitarian; speakers, attendees, and exhibitors are treated with equal respect and interest.

Why FreedomFest?



Engage with over 250 experts and leaders in their field and meet the geniuses behind the liberty movement.



Network with the best free-market and pro-liberty think tanks and organizations.



Enjoy a full three days, chock full of compelling debates, exciting panels, rousing speeches and social events.


Film Festival

Attend the world’s only libertarian film festival at no extra charge.

FreedomFest Attracts the Best and Most Fascinating Speakers

Just a Few of Our Regulars:
Radio Show Host
CEO, Euro Pacific Capital
CEO, The Atlas Society
Editor At Large, Reason.com & ReasonTV

FreedomFest Forum

How the Pope and President Could Work Together to Help Immigrants

The Trump administration is reportedly considering new regulations that would clamp down on immigrants seeking permanent residency in the United States if they or their children are receiving, or are “likely at any time” to receive, government assistance. Not everybody is happy with the administration’s approach to immigration, of course. Pope Francis, for example, was…

Saving Millennials from Socialism with Conscious Capitalism

Chances are good that you’re among the many who are utterly dumbfounded by recent polls suggesting that a significant enough number of those in the Millennial generation are professing their distrust of capitalism in favor of an economic ideology most had assumed was headed for the dust bin of history. According to University of Chicago’s…

On FreedomFest

"I had a terrific time at FreedomFest; probably the best time I've had. I saw lots of friends, ate well, slept well, stayed out of the sun . . . "

Stephen Cox, editor, Liberty Magazine

Freedom Fest
"I had a terrific time at FreedomFest; probably the best time I've had. I saw lots of friends, ate well, slept well, stayed out of the sun . . . " Stephen Cox, editor, Liberty Magazine
"You have created one of the greatest franchises ever in the history of conferences”.

Sheldon Jacobs, NY

Freedom Fest
"You have created one of the greatest franchises ever in the history of conferences”. Sheldon Jacobs, NY

“FreedomFest doesn’t just ride the curve, it invents it”.

John Fund, National Review
Freedom Fest
“FreedomFest doesn’t just ride the curve, it invents it”. John Fund, National Review
“FreedomFest is truly the best conference I’ve ever attended.  Nothing compares to it”. 

Jeff Berwick, The Dollar Vigilante

Freedom Fest
“FreedomFest is truly the best conference I’ve ever attended.  Nothing compares to it”.  Jeff Berwick, The Dollar Vigilante
“The most intense, rewarding, intellectual, create-your-own 3-day conference I’ve ever attended”.

Bob Poole, co-founder, Reason

Freedom Fest
“The most intense, rewarding, intellectual, create-your-own 3-day conference I’ve ever attended”. Bob Poole, co-founder, Reason

“FreedomFest is where the best ideas and strategies are fleshed out. I wouldn’t miss it for the world”.
Steve Forbes, Forbes magazine

Freedom Fest
“FreedomFest is where the best ideas and strategies are fleshed out. I wouldn’t miss it for the world”. Steve Forbes, Forbes magazine
“It's Burning Man for Libertarians, or a Gathering of the Lost 10 Tribes. It's a ‘Jerusalem dig’ for agnostics and God-seekers alike. Or a World's Fair for Alternative Answers...but always fun.”

Gary Alexander

Freedom Fest
“It's Burning Man for Libertarians, or a Gathering of the Lost 10 Tribes. It's a ‘Jerusalem dig’ for agnostics and God-seekers alike. Or a World's Fair for Alternative Answers...but always fun.” Gary Alexander

“I’m a big fan of FreedomFest and wouldn’t miss it for the world”.

Doug Casey
Freedom Fest
“I’m a big fan of FreedomFest and wouldn’t miss it for the world”. Doug Casey

“FreedomFest is the kingpin of conferences!”

Matt Kibbe, Free the People
Freedom Fest
“FreedomFest is the kingpin of conferences!” Matt Kibbe, Free the People
“Having now experienced FreedomFest, it makes wonder why I haven’t been coming all ten years!”

William Baldwin, editor, Forbes (1999-2010)

Freedom Fest
“Having now experienced FreedomFest, it makes wonder why I haven’t been coming all ten years!” William Baldwin, editor, Forbes (1999-2010)
“I love FreedomFest - wonderfully interesting people and non-stop intellectual stimulation.  The debates are great. Keep doing them. I’m really looking forward to July in Las Vegas”.

John Mackey, Whole Food Markets

Freedom Fest
“I love FreedomFest - wonderfully interesting people and non-stop intellectual stimulation.  The debates are great. Keep doing them. I’m really looking forward to July in Las Vegas”. John Mackey, Whole Food Markets
 “You’ve made FreedomFest into THE mandatory conference for all lovers of liberty.  Congratulations!”

George Gilder, MA

Freedom Fest
 “You’ve made FreedomFest into THE mandatory conference for all lovers of liberty.  Congratulations!” George Gilder, MA
“FreedomFest is a national treasure”.

Gene Epstein, economics editor, Barron’s

Freedom Fest
“FreedomFest is a national treasure”. Gene Epstein, economics editor, Barron’s
"FreedomFest made summer in Vegas even hotter!"

Charles Gasparino, CNBC #1 Reporter

Freedom Fest
"FreedomFest made summer in Vegas even hotter!" Charles Gasparino, CNBC #1 Reporter

“I’m counting the days until next year’s festival.  Literally.  360 to go….”

Naomi Brockwell
Freedom Fest
“I’m counting the days until next year’s festival.  Literally.  360 to go….” Naomi Brockwell
“My favorite conference - always love to attend!”

Marji Ross, Publisher, Regnery Publishing

Freedom Fest
“My favorite conference - always love to attend!” Marji Ross, Publisher, Regnery Publishing
“I don’t go to many conferences anymore but I love to come to FreedomFest. This is my 8 th in a row. People ask, ‘why do you go?’ It’s always a treat for me to listen and meet people from all around the world in different professions - academics, journalists, politicians, etc. I wouldn’t miss it”.

Floyd Brown, Western Journalism

Freedom Fest
“I don’t go to many conferences anymore but I love to come to FreedomFest. This is my 8 th in a row. People ask, ‘why do you go?’ It’s always a treat for me to listen and meet people from all around the world in different professions - academics, journalists, politicians, etc. I wouldn’t miss it”. Floyd Brown, Western Journalism

"You libertarians know how to have a good time with dancing, skits, mock trials, magic acts, yoga, silver dollars, and fun debates, all in the world's most laissez faire city. It was incredible".

Lee Edwards, Heritage Foundation
Freedom Fest
"You libertarians know how to have a good time with dancing, skits, mock trials, magic acts, yoga, silver dollars, and fun debates, all in the world's most laissez faire city. It was incredible". Lee Edwards, Heritage Foundation

FreedomFest is an intense three days

And it's different from any conference you have ever attended

Hotel Rooms for FreedomFest 2018: Paris Resort & Casino

Experience everything you love about Paris, right in the heart of the Las Vegas Strip. At Paris Las Vegas Hotel & Casino, you are transported to the City of Lights with all the same passion, excitement, and ambiance of Europe’s most romantic city, with all the excitement of the entertainment capital of the world.

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